September 20, 2021 @ 5:30 am – September 21, 2021 @ 5:30 am
Ellis Beach

Participants will be attempting to capture the full rising moon with Double Island in the foreground. There are two possible dates for this – 20th and 21st September. We will try on the 20th and if not successful we can try again on the 21st when the moon is completely full. Venue is the southern end of Ellis Beach near the tourist cabins. Must be setup on the beach, focused and ready to go by 5:45 as there is a window of no more than 30 seconds to capture the image of the rising moon. Equipment – tripod, your longest lens, shutter release, headlamp.

Shown below is my very poor attempt last month which confirms, at least, that it is possible (did not set up early enough). Also shown is the Photopils planner for the night.

Arrive early for fish and chips from the cafe before the shoot.

Grant Phillips